Some graphical issues, but still very enjoyable.

User Rating: 7.5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 PS3
To get the negativity out of the way first, TW08 has a few graphical issues that detract from an otherwise very good game.

The courses are very well done. The scenery looks great, and the animation of Tiger is very impressive. However, there are instances in which the game stutters (mostly on the hole preview, "flyby" camera). It is easily correctable (when not playing in career mode) by simply turning off the "tour atmosphere" (might be called something else). Essentially, you are removing the gallery (which was an unnecessary addition in the first place). This corrected most of my framerate issues, however on some of the more graphically intense holes (those on the shore, especially Pebble Beach), there were still a few hiccups.

The gameplay is pure Tiger Woods, with the addition of the the 3 click swing for those that never mastered the analog shot stick controls (which are far more rewarding and enjoyable in my opinion). You can switch from analog to 3 click at any time, so if you are between clubs and want to take a 3/4 swing using the 3 click method, it is always accessible in game.

The career mode is pretty deep. There is of course, a PGA tour to complete, as well as the "Tiger Challenge," which is a series of short "mini-games" where you have to complete a number of feats against various PGA stars (ex. finish 1-up or better in one-ball on the back nine of Sawgrass against Luke Donald).

I have been a fan of the Tiger Woods series for a couple years. This edition did not disappoint., aside from the initial let down of realizing that there were some framerate issues. I would recommend this to anyone that likes golf games and is looking to upgrade to the "next-gen" version.