I had been looking forward to this game for months, but now, playing this let-down has definitely changed my mind!

User Rating: 7 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 X360
Okay, so I've had a Tiger Woods game every year since 2000 for various consoles, and most years it has been one of my favourite games in my collection. However! 2008 could well put a stop to the annual trend.
I had been really looking forward to TW 08 for months, and my thinking was, 2007 was cool but it had its down sides, so this year EA will make sure that TW08 will blow everyone away! .......... Wrong! Yes, it has blown everyone away, but not due to the amazing gameplay or sleek graphics, due to the fact that the word on the streets is that Tiger Woods 2008 sucks!
Personally, I think 6.5 is a bit harsh, although, anything above 7.5 or 8 would be just as bad. The analogue stick suddenly seems as though it is fixed on making you hook or slice the ball every shot, but then when you have a virtually impossible 60ft putt for par, you sink it! wonderful some might say, once again Wrong! I am a keen golfer myself and I think the longest putt i have every seen someone hole was about 80ft and that was luck. Online still sucks but with that aside, the graphics are really neat! 9 for graphics at least. Im disappointed in the lack of pro golfers, i mean, why did EA put in women before they havn't even got any of the top 25 male golfers in the world, sorry if that sounds sexist, but its stupid!
Once yo get into the game, it can be quite entertaining, but you will probably be annoying by game freezing or modes not working before that happens.
EA have really got a tiring year ahead of themselves if they want to sort this one out!