Hmmm..... They still haven't improved on 2005. Sad but true.

User Rating: 7 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 PC
While I have 2006 and 2007 I didn't bother buying them and stuck with 2005 because it was just a better game. Now I finally broke down and bought 2008 just to have the latest and greatest and so far I am wishing I had my money back.

The graphics are ok, but the voice overs, come on can't we get new announcers with new dialog, my gosh, it's identical to 2005 still.... boring.

Another thing I find very frustrating about the game is the hacker tournament. You have to win it or start all over again. I got in a bad spot on one hole and ended up 4 over on one hole, the rest I parred or birdied and I still came in second to a character that I had played before in the road to the tournament and beat very easily. How did he get so much better in a month?

Finally there are features in the PS2/3 versions that are a lot of fun that they've never bothered to port to the PC version. Like when you get a really good hit there is an instant replay of the swing (I'm not talking about the whole shot after the ball's come to a rest)

In summary if you don't own any version then go ahead with 2008 it's ok, if you have a previous version don't waste your money "upgrading".