More like "Tiger 07 1.5"

User Rating: 7.5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 WII
Released six months after the series' fun-but-flawed Wii debut, "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08" should've been named "Tiger 07 1.5."
EA Sports added a ton of new gameplay modes – so many, in fact, that it seems they're trying to keep us busy enough to forget online play is still missing.
At least EA fixed the frustrating backswing glitch on chip shots. And a new Putt Preview has been added, making putting almost too easy.
But the lack of online play is a shame, since "Madden NFL 08" has it on the Wii, and the turn-based nature of golf is more suited to negating the lag problems of "Madden."
The graphics of "Tiger 08" are slightly better than "Tiger 07," but not by much. Long grass looks more like the natural stuff and putting greens have nice texture. But birds, deer and fish are still laughably pixilated, and trees and buildings remain fuzzy.
The 18 real-world courses look best when the virtual weather is sunny – flare effects are particularly appealing. However, overcast and foggy weather appears grainy.
Faces of the 55 pro golfers and imaginary opponents are lifelike, but their body skin color often is a different tone – like a freaky Frankenstein's monster.
The game's biggest draw is the ability to swing the Wiimote like a golf club in real time. Golf purists might not like the dumbed-down swing mechanics, but the simplified pick-it-up-and-play theme is what the Wii is all about.
In addition to motion swinging or button mashing with the Wiimote and nunchuk, a third control scheme has been added in which you flick the Wiimote while sitting. All three work well.
The new honeycomb menus make it easier to navigate as you choose from the plethora of events and minigames.
Tiger Challenge and PGA Tour Season again deserve top honors as the game's best modes.
Newly added games are especially fun to play with friends: Mini Putt is like miniature golf on an insane putting green and T-I-G-E-R is golf's equivalent of the basketball game H-O-R-S-E.
All of the modes will keep gamers busy for weeks, but with no online multiplayer, "Tiger 08" feels like only a minimal update of "Tiger 07."