Great Gameplay, but still missing some polish

User Rating: 8 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 WII
Tiger Woods 08 for the Wii is a step in the right direction as it offers excellent use of the Wii Remote. But it lacks some polish that keeps it from being a "must have." Is it light years better than Wii Sports? Yes. Is it worth $50 if you are just looking for golf 2.0? Probably.
If you are just wanting to swing your arm and pretend to be playing golf it is excellent. If you are a gear junkie and love to buy all the stuff in the Pro Shop, then it is a little more work. There just isn't anything NEW about this game that hasn't been done before (apart from using the Wii Remote). Pros:
* Wii Remote tracks swing movements quite well
* Character is very customizable (on par with recent Tiger games) so you can look like you want to
* Pro Shop is full of great golf gear to deck out your player
* First game on the Wii that seems to actually feel like the activity you are pretending to do

* Below Average graphics (close to Xbox)
* The Pro Shop interface is extremely difficult to work with
* Having to move around menus using the sensor is a pain (why do games make the Wii so difficult to navigate around the menus?!?)