Better Network Features but takes a huge step backwards by bringing back the antiquated three click swing.

User Rating: 5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 X360
Tiger Woods 08 had great promise, I wanted it to be everything that 07 wasn't, and to some extent it addressed many of the issues I had with last years version. By bringing back the three click swing EA has done a huge disservice to Tiger Fans. Who knows if they just felt like they have to make game play changes just to make it a little bit different from last years version, but it is terrible. At least they didn't remove the analog swing entirely as you can turn it on if you so desire. The game is essentially the same as last year as far as graphics and the core game play are concerned, though the new putting system really sucks, get ready for another year of draining impossible putts like it was nothing. It seems that every year this game alternates between catering to the brainless casual gamer by dumbing down the game mechanic and catering to the true golf sim crowd. This years version is the former, they concentrated too much on useless network features than on truly improving the playing experience which is where the average player spends most of their time. One final gripe, can we have complete freedom to customize the buttons how we want, there is no reason the power and spin buttons need to be locked to a particular button (the one they chose is most inconvenient).