This year I decided to come over to console from PC and boy was it a mistake.

User Rating: 5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 PS3
You can flame me all you want but the fact of the matter is the PC version of this game is far more superior than the console version. I do not like using the analog stick to swing. Swinging with the mouse is so much smoother. The grahpics are horrible as well, nothing like the PC version. Sound quality I do not like, ball flight is done very poorly.
Overall I will give this game a 5/10. If you have a choice between getting it for a console or PC, definetely go with the PC version.
Oh and by the way I know the game is just released, but when I went online I saw 3 people in the lobby. And also the gameface will not upload, there is something wrong with EA's server.