Didn't expect this much from it!

User Rating: 7 | Thrillville: Off the Rails PSP
Overview: Okay, I got my PSP but , I already had this game for Wii. My friend found this, and gave it to me. So, out of boredom, I popped this into my UMD holder. I got a lot more then expected....

Story: Not very good, but this is not where the game shines. If you don't stray from the main story mission, you'll have it finished in a couple hours. It mostly revolves around A rival theme park, Globojoy. They attempt to sabotage every one of your 5 theme parks.

Thrillpoints: There is a level up system, every building you build, every game you play, it basically all gives you more XP. The more XP you have, the more parks you can unlock. I personally kind of liked it, as the more you play, the more parks you can unlock, so you basically can also advance by playing the mini games.

Missions: There are 25 missions in every park, for a grand total of 125, for a completist, this would be very easy. For some missions, I found tear-out-my-eyeballs-boring, such as, the go around the park and collect these things, other ones though, such as the mini games, give some of the people a reason to play the mini games. I have a couple unfinished missions, but every time you complete a set of 25 it will say, Park Complete : (Bronze, Silver, Gold).

Minigames: This is probably the best element of the game. In the menu, once you unlocked the mall, is a menu called party play. It's a collection of all 49 mini games. Some are repetitive, such as the robot shooter series, or the race series. Others, however, such as Squadron Ace, have you flying over a small island, defending it from enemies. Tank Frenzy, will have you play as a Suicidal Tank commander, armed with only a tank cannon and machine gun. Overall, pretty good

Graphics: Not very good during play inside the theme park, varies from mini game to mini game.

Summary: Deserves that 7.0 that I gave it, what it is missing in some areas, it's made up for in others.