Wielding THOR's mighty Wii-mote!

User Rating: 7.5 | Thor: God of Thunder WII
Like many of you, I was skeptical when I first saw that the movie was being converted into a game; especially when I heard that it was being adapted for the Wii. Much to my surprise though, SEGA has done an admirable job in making the Wii version of THOR a pleasant experience. Say what you will about the cartoonish looking graphics and story board cut scenes, but the gameplay of THOR is done quite well, and it is both engaging and fun for players of all ages. Players can act as the (button-mashing) God of Thunder or play through with a bit more finess and link combos together to vanquish your foes. I've only played it for a few hours so far, but I feel comfortable in saying that it is a "family-friendly" action game so far. If you are a fan of the comics or recent movie adaptation, and you are looking for a slight step up from the typical MARVEL action games, the THOR: God of Thunder for the Nintendo Wii will suite you fine. I can't wait to give Loki some good old fashioned hammer time!