I wanted this to be awesome.

User Rating: 5 | Thief XONE

Ok, after ripping the plastic wrap off of the Thief, I waited with eager anticipation as it installed. Bang! It was finished, and my heart raced as I began the story. Within moments, the heart that was previously racing, sank into my stomach. Yet another disappointing title, yet another game falling short of expectations.

What can I say? It is a pretty good looking game, although it doesn't come close to the eye-popping glory that is/was Assassin's Creed IV. It sounds good, although the sounds seem to materialize from nowhere (or much worse) from the wrong direction. It plays horribly, the control mechanics are incredibly convoluted and spotty. Want to quickly steal that goblet from the cabinet before the guard makes his circuit and returns? No problem: Walk over to the cabinet; aim an invisible cursor at the precise spot on the cabinet; open it; watch as it opens; once again aim the invisible cursor at the goblet; pick up the goblet; watch as you pick up said goblet; attempt to move your eyes over the remaining contents of the cabinet; look at the cabinet door; close cabinet door; watch as the cabinet door closes; and return to hiding place. Elapsed time? About 7-10 seconds if you are lucky, 5-8 seconds if you are practiced. What is the problem with this system? It is sllllloooooooowwwwwww.

Due to the control issues on the XBox One, it really feels to me that this game belongs on PC. It does not feel like a console game at all.

Stealing an object is about as entertaining as watching ice melt, and often takes the same amount of time. The guards on the other hand are fast, very fast at times, and their reactions are like lightning. Such a shame that yours aren't.

It is worth playing, but barely. I suffered through the first couple of chapters without even discovering where to purchase items. Items that I NEED to complete chapters properly.

This is definitely one of those games that: if you like it, you like it and if you don't, you don't. It is not for everyone by any stretch of the imagination.

Now I wait for Stick of Truth. My gal can enjoy Thief.