More of the same as the original, but somehow not as strong a showing as the original.

User Rating: 8.2 | Thief II: The Metal Age (Trapezoide Box) PC
This game uses the same mechanics as the original game and even adds some equipment which you didn't have access to in the original game. Even though the gameplay is the same and there is hardly anything new to learn it isn't the same game. I enjoyed the original a great deal and really looked forward to the second, but I was not as impressed with the overall finished product in this game as the original. I think the original was so fresh and new that they just jumped on the bandwagon and cranked out a sequal w/o putting forth the same effort on building a good story behind the game. If you loved the first game then I recommend playing this one, but don't be surprised if it doesn't hold quite the same weight for you as the original.