Great micro-management game with a fun setting and tons of good old Bullfrog humour.

User Rating: 8.5 | Theme Hospital PC
First off, let me say that I have never disagreed more with a GameSpot review rating (except for their Starship Troopers fps game). Usually I see eye to eye with them. This game, like all other Bullfrog games I've played, is simply an instant classic. It's not as good as the Dungeon Keeper series, but it ain't far off. Very fun game to pick up now and then. Music is light-hearted, the sound is just plain funny at times (try centering on the toilet when there are patients on the loo).

The graphics are good, I still think they are. Cartoonish graphics never get old in my opinion. It's not a hard game, but I'll admit I've never gotten to the final few levels. I usually get tired of the game before I get there, which is a shame. I'll have to try speeding through the early levels so I can hopefully get some challenges.

A fun mini-game in the game is sniping rats in your hospitals, they'll infest it now and then and create holes in the walls.

All in all, a very fun game that I've spent a lot of hours on.