Despite the flaws, the game still stand out and offers quite a bit of fun.

User Rating: 8 | The Witcher PC
Before I got this game I knew next to nothing about the polish novels or the even game itself. All I had seen were the videos you can find on gamespot about the game-play and that was compelling enough for me to get a copy. In other words I really didn't have much expectations, and I was pleasantly surprised. Let me begin with the bad. The Witcher's biggest flaw is without a shadow of a doubt the very slow loading time, and the fact that the game frequently auto-saves doesn't help the case. I heard they're working on a function that would allow disabling auto-saving, something I would certainly be grateful for. This problem can affect your gaming experience in 2 ways. One, you're often gonna be doing nothing while waiting for areas to load. This can be quite frustrating and boring at times - have a book handy or something when that occurs... Two, you might find yourself avoiding entering houses, caves and such altogether simply to not have to go through loading times. That doesn't make exploration fun...

Another problem I ran into - and this may be due to my craptastic computer so don't hold my words for it - is extremely choppy cut scenes, so much I can miss entire bits of dialogs. Strangely enough, the in-game graphics runs perfectly smooth even with fairly high settings. One thing that is slightly disappointing is the fact that you can't customize the main character all that much other than the abilities he uses. You can distribute points into different skills and attributes depending on the fighting style you prefer. But unlike most RPGs in which you can create a character from scratch, give him/her the name and appearance you want, this game forces you into the shoes of Geralt. But considering the fair amount of lore concerning the character and the witchers, it's an understandable choice made by the game developers. And knowing this beforehand, it's not too hard to accommodate yourself to the character. Okay now that's out of the way, lets review the good. I think the best thing about the game is the figthing system which I find quite innovative and fun. It feels far more natural than the usual button mashing that plagues most action RPGs. Here, you need to time your attack if you want to be effective. Click once to begin your attack, wait until you're ready to swing again then click again (the cursor changes, so you know when to execute your next attack). Click too soon and you may in fact fail to strike completely, click too late and you will miss an opportunity to make a combo strike and deal greater damage. This isn't all there is though. You can also switch between different styles of figthing: strong, fast and group attack. Choose your fighting style wisely depending on your opponent(s). You can also use Aard signs which is the Witcher's equivalent of magic. Different signs have different use, some can knock down your opponents, others can incinerate them. Overall, it's fairly simple to rapidly switch in-between these figthing styles and signs during those fast paced battles, but if you're ever overwhelmed or caught off guard you can always pause the game and do the necessary changes, take a potion or do whatever you need to do.

Another interesting thing is, choices matter. Early on you can decide to accompany Triss to the alchemy lab to stop the bad guys from stealing something important or fight along side Vesimir to kill a frightner (big mantis looking monster) that threatens to kill 'em all. Which ever path you choose to follow will affect some events later on. Admittedly, I'm still in Act I and therefore do not know to what extent this can affect the story. The story itself is compelling enough, nothing extraordinarily mind blowing but intriguing nonetheless. As I've said before I'm not all that far in yet so I presume it will develop into something more interesting as you progress. Dialogs are fair. Some of the conversations with minor NPCs can feel a bit awkward and bland sometimes though. It's an action RPG so don't expect grand dialogs ala Bioware here.

Well I think that's it! I'm getting cramps in my hands so I better stop here hehe. Overall, yes it has a few hindering flaws. It definitely could've been be a better game had it not been for the infuriating loading time. But if you can get past the flaws it's a decent fun game worth playing. Not the next masterpiece RPG since BG2 that I've been waiting for (might have to wait till Dragon Age for that) but something to keep us busy until then. :P
