Fun, if you like this kind of thing...

User Rating: 7.5 | The Walking Dead: Episode 1 - A New Day PS3
Important disclosures: I love story based games, I watch the walking dead on TV, I own Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 and Dead Island.

Given the above, it is no surprise that I like this game. It is an interesting story, and it makes a good effort to draw you in to care about the characters - but perhaps not enough. Maybe I will become more attached to these characters as the chapters roll on...but for now, I am not too concerned over who I want to save or not because the short nature of the game prevents much character development.

Overall, the five part series should be well worth the $25 USD. On the other hand, the first chapter was a bit slow and did not offer too much that was new, other than timed decision sequences, which some people might not like.

If you are a fan of zombie stories, you will probably like this game unless you are a total action junkie. I prefer games that have a story - and while I prefer games that give me more control over the story (like the Mass Effect series), I still like games that offer this kind of story telling experience.

So this game (perhaps more than others) will appeal more to certain types of players than others. I like the idea of monthly episodes, too. Just like the shows, the experience will give me the chance to reflect on what could happen next, and I am looking forward to the next installment.

By the way, I played this on PC - not sure how this ended up in the PS3 section.