WARNING: May increase pulse rates and blood pressure!

User Rating: 6.3 | Yuusei Kara no Buutai X: Episode II PS2
If you like horror, watching John Carpenter's The Thing would be a good start! Also his movie The Blob if a good flick too!

Honestly I have not played this game much at all! Why, the dang music creeps me out! I need the book!

With games like this I have a difficult time learning how to play, and thus I have not played it enough to learn. But with people here on line with hints, tips, and walk throughs I surely will give it another go!

I have found, right now, that at times it is too dark to see where you are. Which immensely adds to "the creepout factor". In time I may learn to like the game as much as his movie! Well, at least I hope to!

Thumbs up on the scare the Bejeesus outta ya factor!