If this is our future...then the machines deserve to win.

User Rating: 6.5 | The Terminator GEN
You like Terminator right?

Of course you do! Who doesn't. It's about the future and robuts and Arnold Swartzenheimer as a bad guy. What's not to like about all of that?

This game...that's what.

First of all the game is 4 levels long. 4 levels...and none of them are what I would call engaging, or rich with content, or fun...in the least.

Second of all, the controls aren't all that great. You can only shoot in one direction...I mean, you can't shoot up...or down...or diagonally...just straight across. And you can't run while shooting.

Third, the animation is hilarious. It's actually confusing...it's good, and it's bad at the same time. It's very bouncy and fluid and looks very nice in certain spots...and in other spots it looks out of place and sped up and just bizarre.

Fourth, you get one life. ONE. LIFE. If you die, then you're dead.....I could go into all kinds of philosophical talks about how weird it is to complain about dying being realistic....but I don't feel like it...so don't bother me with that.

Finally, it's never clear what you have to do. I mean...the levels are just kind of ambiguous and you don't know if you have to blow stuff up or lead something this way, or if it's a maze or what. It's just obnoxious as hell. And I resent it.

So, while the game overall is a piece of mediocrity...it does have some redeeming qualities.

It plays the actual theme from terminator...from what I understand that is rare. It also plays out the story well....you play as John Connor in the future in his future garb, and then you play as him in the present in his hobo outfit...the little details are nice. The game actually feels like a very good starting point...it just never got off the ground.

So there you go America. Another movie based game to throw in the wastebasket. Our culture will certainly kill itself one day. Praise killer robuts.