Not very good, way behind its competitors.

User Rating: 4.5 | The Suffering PC
Being a keen Horror survival game fan i eargerly bought this to give it a go. Having played it to the end i was left bitterly dissapointed and somewhat confused as to how it has been given such high ratings.

The gameplay is choppy and feels unfinished, and quite frankly it shocked me how unstable it felt. The textures are terrible and everything is very blocky, sometimes it feels a bit like the first Doom game! You can choose to use 1st person or 3rd person views which is a nice touch but generally has little impact. There also seems to be several glitches and bugs in the game. One of these, a glitch with weapons not hitting thier targets, got me killed several times and became a general nusiace all game.

The sound effects are mostly good and help to create an eeiry and scary atmosphere.

The storyline is good and helps to hold the game together, but lacks origninality somewhat. The game is quite easy to get into and once you familiarise yourself with the controls its easy to play.

However, this game is flawed and looks very behind the times for the date it was release. There are several rival games of much higher calibre available on the market which offer the Horror enthusiast so much more. It becomes too repetitive and the gameplay is simply not to the standard i expected, and would not have bought it had i rented it first.