A lot better than I expected it to be.

User Rating: 8 | The Suffering PS2
When I first hear and saw The Suffering I didn't really know what to expect from it, and I had low expectations for it to. I didn't really thank Midway would pull out a good game, but they proved me wrong and it's really good. I wasn't expecting this at all, and I'm glad I gave it a chance.

The story is somewhat kind of a crazy one but it's good, you play as Torque. He is being sent to Abbott State Penitentiary, on Carnate Island, Maryland. Torque is being sent there for killing his wife and two kids, but he says he doesn't remember any of it. Not long after he's there things start going crazy and everything goes all wrong.

The gameplay is actually pretty good with a good set of weapons that you can choose from and just destroy your enemies with. You also can make decisions sometimes you'll run up on a person who needs your help and you can choose to do so or not.

The sound is really good and sometimes gives more of a creepy feel to the game which is nice. I'd say the sound is basically top notch except for the voice acting. To me it just isn't all that good and could have been done a lot better.

Overall The Suffering is a game that is really fun to play and should be played that's into horror games. It isn't a huge horror game but you'll come to like it once you get into it.