a great horror action game

User Rating: 9.5 | The Suffering PS2
this game is might be one of the best first person shooter or third person shooter i've ever played on the ps2...even though it doesn't have the best graphics on the ps2 but it was made in 2004 so they are pretty good for that date. the game is best and meant to play in the dark so play other games and wait till midnight to play this one and you'll be looking behind your back all night! it's awesome to see a game let you choose to play in first person or third person although i'm usually playing in third person but it's still nice i have a choice the sound is good i guess because the voice acting can sometimes be bad. the story is amazing. (no spoilers) you play torque who is sent to prison for a crime that they said he did but he claims he blacked out the whole thing then when you get into your cell these creatures start attacking the prison and you meet up with people and you can either kill them or help them but remember which one you do affects the story. the game has pretty good length 21 levels. the levels last pretty long too. the violence is great and believe me there's alot! the controls are pretty simple and they work for the game there are extra features like videos of a hauted prison and behind the scenes

so overall you got a great game that will last pretty long and you may want to play again. and you may want to check this game out i give this game a 9.5/10