The Sims 2 on the DS is a decent game that is brought down by it's own name.

User Rating: 7 | The Sims 2 DS
The Sims 2 on DS led me and many other to believe that you could take the brilliant life simulator on the go, but to my surprise what this turned out to be was a mission oriented hotel sim. Now I in no way find this game bad. If it wasn't a Sims game it may have been rated a point or two higher. That's where the problems arise this is a Sim game. There's little to no freedom, little character customization, and almost no decorating. Even though their are all these things missing the game still manages to keep needs(hunger, thirst, etc.), personality, and socializing in the gameplay. As a Sims game this is an utter disapointment and you should move along, but if you are open minded or are not a diehard sims fan you may find some enjoyment here. The graphics are decent, the missions are enjoyable, and the minigames are a lot of fun. In the end The Sims 2 on the DS is not for everyone but if you keep an open mind and have patience you may find some enjoyment out of this good game.