This new installment is a little different than the other sims games, but it still keeps in some of the old elements.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Sims 2: Castaway PS2
Like I said in the review deck, Ths game is like the old sims 2 and sims 2 pets.Althought it is like this one, it is also different in what you do and how you do it.In this installment in the sims series, you and your crew plan to go ona boat trip and go fishing or something.You are all having fun and everything is going swell tilll night falls and you and your crew encounter a freak storm that knocks you guys off the boat and on one of the many uncharted islands in the sea that you were boating in.While you may be thinking that this one wouldn't have so many motives to fill, you were wrong.Even though you are on a uninhabited island and there is no one to talk to except for the monkey you will see every so often, you still have to fill all the motives you had to fill in the other sims game before this.this includes keeping your cleanliness up and your social up as well.It also means that you have to fill up the room meter so that your sim feels snug and cozy and you always have to fill up your hunger and energy meter or else.While you may think that this is an impossible task to do since you are stranded on an island with no one to talk to or help you with anything you do,but the island offers up many ways of how to keep your sim happy and satisfied with how they are. There are also goals your sim and you must fulfill so that yoyu can get more plans for tools and more plans and ideas f ways to get off the island and back to the wonderful world of electronics and money and bills.Doesn't sound like a good homecoming does it? I didn't think so.Now I mentioned somwhere above that you could get more plans for building items and more ways of getting ideas to get off of the islands. Well what I maen to say is that there are things you can build to help you in your quest to get off those islands and back to the world yopu once knew and took for granted.An example of one of the things you can build is a ishing pole so that you can catch fish for a food source for your sim.Another is a torch to smoke out the bees in trees so that you can steall all thier honey for yourself. Thier are a couple of ways to get off the island but you can choose witch one you are going to do.Yu can eithier get to the third island and eventually build a boat to sail to the main land, or you can find the parts and build a item that will help you send an sos to someplace for them to come rescue you. YTou can do eithier one sounds appealing to you but I suggest the item tat sends an sos, it is much easier than trhe boat but whatever. so you choose cause you decide whether you di on the island or get off.