It is such a shame that this game is so disappointing and boring!

User Rating: 1 | The Sims 2: Castaway PS2
I had really high hopes for theSims 2 Castaway game for the PS2,that I couldn't wait to play this game! While the graphics are really nice for this game,you will very quickly discover that you will need to collect ALOT of things for this game! You will need to collect alot of resources such as food,wood,leaves,etc... While that may sound like alot of fun,then you find out that the only people that you get to talk to are chimpanzees early on in the game. At first it many seem kind of cute to be talking to chimpanzees,it starts to get old really quick!

I will not give away the ending for this game,but I can tell you that I was very disappointed with the end result of the Sims Castaway game! Especially since I have played previous SIms games in the past! I guess I was just expecting so much more with this game because it looked so new and different than any of the previous Sims games that have come out in the past. It is a real shame that this game seems so rushed and pointless because if the storyline would have been better and if there had been better items to obtain in the game,than this game could have been so much better!

I guess as a Sims fan,I was just expecting so much more from this game and unfortunately,this game didn't deliver! Do yourself a favor and rent this game because if you buy this game,you will be very,very,dissapointed trust me!