This game is just bad. You don't want to own it.

User Rating: 1.3 | The Simpsons: Road Rage GBA
Well even if you like the Sompsons you will not like this game. This game is just BAD and I mean it is really BAD!!!!!! Everything in this game is just bad. The graphics are bad, the gameplay is just bad, the controls are to easy to use so that makes them bad. There is not a story in place so that makes it bad really bad. The levels are easy to navigate once you get to know the levels. The graphics bad even for the GBA standards which is pretty bad. The people you pick up in your car are all just ugly. The all just look like round sticks that you pick up. The cars in the game are the best looking things in the game but they don't look that good. Graphics on the SNES or maybe even the NES look better then the graphics in this game. The controls in the game are over simple. This something you would expect from a GBA driving game but the controls are just to easy. This is all the space I am going to waste talking about the controls but let me assure you the controls are bad. The save system is old school in a bad way. It is a thing were yoiu have to memorize pictures of people and when you load your game you have to input the right code or you are dead and have to start over. The sound in the game is just bad, no thats wrong. The sound in the game is just worst then bad or in simpler words it stinks on ice. That is all I am going to say. THis game is just bad. Even if it is a Simpsons game it is just bad and you do not want to play this game. Don't ever play this game.