As a simpsons fan I can honestly say this videogame is rewarding and provides more than a few laughs.

User Rating: 9 | The Simpsons Game X360
As far a gameplay goes it's not the best, but thankfully it's not bad. It blends pretty well with the objectives and the controls, which are easy to follow. It is pretty fun, since with the powers you can do what you want, with certain boundaries. You can mash the power button and pwn the enemies or try to follow some strategy, if you can come up with one. It's all objective based and pretty easy.

Story-wise it's got a good potential, but doesn't do anything out of ordinary, it's still rising action-climax-falling action; but entertaining and fun nonetheless.

What really stands out is the comedy material. It's got some very good jokes and parodies of other games, my favorite being the dead waste poster, but go and see for yourself.

With a lot of collectibles for each simpson and a collection of 31 videogame cliches this game is very rewarding in my opinion.