Surprisingly, The Simpsons Game doesn't limit itself to be a cash-in movie game, as it's actually quite fun!

User Rating: 7 | The Simpsons Game DS
I hadn't a great hope for The Simpsons Game, especially on the DS. I had watched the movie, and it was great, but a movie game always is generally between the limit of terrible to barely decent, at most. However, Simpsons surprises on the positive side, being a good platformer.

Graphics: EA seems to love these 2D arcade platformers, and generally applied it here. It isn't bad, because it looks more than half decent! The cut scenes are cel-shaded, which is kind of the movie quality the DS offers - nice there. Colorful, though some lack of 3D - something the DS CAN render, so it would have been great if EA had included some of it. Nevertheless, a somewhat deserved 7/10.

Sound: Well, the soundtrack is nothing to write home about, because the menu music and following are just ripped from the series and/or movie. However, a positive aspect does feature here. Voices. Yes, many DS games don't have these, let alone movie ones, but each character will periodically say one of their common puns. It's a nice, albeit a generally unnecessary feature, although it adds more realism to the game, which consequently makes it more fun to play. 7/10 here.

Gameplay: What can I say? It's a nice platformer, in which you play the Simpsons characters and the objective is to complete the level (duh!) while collecting optional cards and beer caps to boost your score. Nothing too exciting, apart from each character having their own special power and ability. 7/10 here.

Replay Value: It has local multiplayer, and download play - alas, the essential for a decent game. No WFC, but that was expected anyway. It's basic. 6/10 here.

All in all, The Simpsons Game is good platformer, with nice and colorful graphics, and some great voices, but most musics are ripped from other sources and there wasn't a lot of originality thrown into the game. EA did manage to create a fun to play game for any Simpsons fan, but we need more games that take more advantage of the great DS hardware - something that few have been able to accomplish so far.