A game with such a large fan base is hard to resist but somehow I have managed it until this date (01/07/2006).

User Rating: 9.3 | The Secret of Monkey Island PC
A game with such a large fan base is hard to resist but somehow I have managed it until this date (01/07/2006). The reason for this being the graphics… one issue I have with gaming classics that I have not experienced is the graphics, constantly holding me back from enjoying rich gaming classics, thankfully… any more.

I began the game with very little hope of falling in love with the series, as I have with other great Lucas Arts (pre-gaming IP death) games due to my experience being well over 10 years too late… I am shocked, and pleased to find out how wrong I truly was. The game is utterly fantastic and I hope this review will persuade others to take the same step into gaming goodness.

The game starts off on a bad foot, having simply no introduction was a shock to me after expecting a major unforgettable cut scene (“manny calavera, I’m your new travel agent” – anyone ?), to be left simply walking around the environment with no explanation was unexpected.

After getting to grips with the old style adventure GUI, I began to enjoy the dialogue – witty sarcasm providing insults in every conversation is something that cannot be done on the same level with modern games. After an hour of gameplay, I’m completely hooked – instead of spending 1hour playing the game as expected I find myself playing for half a day straight – and the same again the following day, completing the game is three days – due to extensive amount of gameplay and not a short game length – is something that is not common to me any more.

Graphically, after a few hours of playing the game, I could not be more satisfied. The amount of detail in pixels on the screen is amazing, considering the year of the release, the game brings back moment of 2D glory to my memory, providing myself with the question “why no more 2D games?”.

My favourite aspect of the game by far is the connection you get with the characters, this is a unique effect provided with only the most memorable game – and always the first thing I hope for. Characters like Stan – annoying as they are, provide deep and entertaining situations .

The only problem I had with the game is the poor sound, it’s near none existent – but giving the year the game was created (and a noticeably low budget on the game) it is to be expected. However I cannot recommend this game more to anyone that had not experienced it.


It’s a shame that games are getting over complicated, when such a rich and unforgettable experience can be obtained by the simplest ideas… originally is it at loss with modern games.