A Game That Lives On In The Hearts Of Many A Pirate Wannabe

User Rating: 9 | The Secret of Monkey Island PC
Remember talk like a pirate day? Remember how fun it was in your IRC channel to say AAARR to everyone and be all Yo ho ho and stuff. Well imagine that in a game where everyone talks like that and is just a barrel of laughs. That's how I remember this classic. Guybrush Threepwood's dream is to be a mighty pirate. Your goal is to realize that dream. What's that your saying? You thought this was about an Island? Oh yes indeed it is. You find the mysterious island known as Monkey Island during your travels and it's called that for more than one reason (yes monkeys do live on it) In this game you amass various items which are used in object puzzles which must be solved in order to advance the game. Back in it's day these pick up item use item with something puzzles were real brain teasers. Nothing compared to the likes of oh say Myst V. But the important thing is that they were fun to figure out and for some people not used them they still are a challenge. Not much to say for the gameplay. It gets an 8 because while it's just point and clicking and how could you mess that up some objects are hard to find by just moving your mouse over them. Just sometimes though. Graphics? Well don't go comparing them to today's graphics, but if you are thinking back in it's day terms they were pretty to look at and were up to par with the other games next to it on the shelf. So that's also an 8. Sound? Back then it was iffy. You should hope you had a good sound card and if you did it sounded great. The tunes are memorable while sound effects were a bit lacking but then we're talking about early 90's here so I gave that a 8. No seriously I tried to give that one a 9 I really did okay fine it's a 9. They were very piratey sounding and fit the theme perfectly. For value I gave a 10 because there are few games out there that are quite like Monkey Island it is just an experience you had to have been there to have. Although I've heard you can get versions that will play on today's computers it is definitely worth playing again if you can find it. Tilt should be obvious I personally loved this game. I was a kid back then and it just built so many good memories.