User Rating: 10 | The Secret of Monkey Island PC
No matter who you are, this game is perfect for you. It has the funniest plot in history (perhaps Sam & Max: Hit the Road can challenge that), the most challenging puzzles and great gameplay (point and click adventure). The characters in the game are incredible: the wannabe pirate with the stupid name, the pretty and adventurous gobernor, the terrible zombie pirate and aaaall the monkeys!!! And every action in the game leeds to a funny consecuence!!
It doesn't matter if you like adventure games or not, you'll have the time of your life playing this game. And then you'll have the time of your life playing the other three. And then you'll have the time of your life playing it again and again and again. I win the whole Monkey Island series every summer, I know every dialogue by memory and still never get tired.
Remember, DRINK GROG!