An Irishman, a Frenchman, and a German walk into a bar... Try rescue occupied Paris from the Nazis. Go on give it a try.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Saboteur PS3
The Saboteur is an open world game similar to Grand Theft Auto but set in occupied Paris during World War II. You play as Sean Devlin an Irish racecar driver that joins the French resistance. The game has an awesome black and white aesthetic with splashes of colour, a la Sin City, and a great jazz soundtrack which adds nicely to the excellent atmosphere. As you liberate areas of Paris and the surrounding countyside colour bleeds back in, symbolising the renewed freedom and hope you have brough the French citizens.

Gameplay consists of shooting, driving and racing, scaling buildings, disgusing yourself to infiltrate bases, and setting explosives/blowing things up. The main story is well told and interesting and takes you an a variety of interesting missions.

The Saboteur is a massive game. I can pretty much garuntee you will not be able to complete everything as there hundreds (thousands maybe) of events outside of the main story/missions. Point Form:

The Good: Great atmosphere, Great music, Great art design, Good voice acting, Good story, Likeable characters, Fun/varied gameplay, Tons of weapons and cars, Setting explosive is fun, Unlockable Perks/abilities, Lots to see and do.

The Okay: Occasional glitches/bugs but they rarely impact gameplay.

The Bad: Could have used a little more polish to smooth out occasionally jerky controls.