A game with nazis that sucks? You better believe it.

User Rating: 4 | The Saboteur PS3
I'm not going to go into too much detail for this one, simply because there really isn't that much detail to this game, period. It's a simple game that concentrates on flash over substance, to a painful degree.

To start with, the beginning of this game is terrible. It's one giant linear cut scene that makes you PLAY the cut scene, even though there really is nothing to it, and it takes forever just to get to the actual game. By that time, you just want to throw it across the room for wasting your time.

Instead of describing the game mechanics and controls in detail, I'm going to tell you in a very short and sweet way what this game really is. It's DESTROY ALL HUMANS with Nazi's in Paris. That's it. There's really nothing special to this game as far as gameplay goes. It's a PS2 game with PS3 graphics.

To be honest though, that is the one thing this game does do right, the graphics and graphical presentation. This game DOES look awesome, that much is for sure. The rest of the game, including the painfully small, almost totally illegible font the game uses, is a complete joke (some people have trouble reading 1-point fonts you dipsh**s). You can't hardly read anything in this game. Not the tutorials or the mission details. I cannot believe they made everything (text and map markers etc) so hard to read! Figuring out what you are doing on a mission takes more time than the mission itself. This game sucks so bad it made me want to puke. Really, I thought it was that bad. I can't believe anyone liked this game at all. No wonder Pandemic studios bit the big one.

In conclusion, this game has some VERY BASIC playability, but for a PS3 game, it's the bottom of the barrel. Good riddance Pandemic.