Meet Assassin's Creed's deformed, mentally challenged brother.

User Rating: 10 | The Saboteur PC

As someone with an interest in WWII history, I couldn't miss a game that takes place in Nazi-occupied Paris. It's too bad that The Saboteur had absolutely nothing to offer me in that regard. The look and feel of the game strongly reminded me of Torrente 3, an obscure crappy GTA ripoff. The same ugly graphics and lame controls, the same nondescript city that feels lifeless in spite of the people in the streets, the same weird car physics, and the same lack of Nazis. Yeah, your enemies are supposed to be Nazis, but, because the developers didn't bother to research what Nazi uniforms and insignia actually looked like, they look like cheap tasteless parodies of the real thing. I would expect this in a bad Nazi-themed porno, but not in a video game. If you are too lazy to research what the Nazis looked like, you have no business making a game about the Nazis, period, and the fact that Pandemic Studios was shut down the same year this piece of trash was released brings immense joy to my heart. Not only does the game look ugly and kitschy, but the controls are broken, too. You have to press Space about a hundred times in order to climb a building, and, if you want to punch a dude, you're going to need all the luck you can get. I uninstalled this sad excuse for a game after an hour of "gameplay". However, if you have poor taste and no knowledge of history, you might actually enjoy it.