Various gameplay elements put together, but nothing works as it should.

User Rating: 5 | The Saboteur PC
The Saboteur has great ideas, and had a lot of potential but it does almost nothing right. The developer is Pandemic, the studio behind Mercenaries and Mercenaries 2, and it really shows, The Saboteur is loud and stupid, where it should be slick and intelligent. There is so much wrong with the game that i don't even know where to start.

The game is set in Nazi-occupied Paris in WW2. You play as an Irish tough guy do-it-all whose name is not worth remembering. He is part of the Paris underground resistance. Most of the time you will take down random Nazi targets, but there is a chain that resembles a main storyline. The said storyline is very silly, and it's very hard to take this game seriously. I believe that the core problem, this game doesn't take itself seriously. It tries to be fun but in the end it just comes off dumb.

The good thing is it's an open world, there are a lot of buildings and all of them are climbable. Similar to Assassins Creed in that manner, but the difference is in Assassins Creed, the climbing was fun, while here it's boring. Hand to hand combat is clunky and it doesn't work, shooting is unrealistic and not fun at all. You have this big yellow ugly crosshair, you can take as much as a hundred shots, while enemies will fall down like flies. Stealth is one of the key elements, but you got it, doesn't work. The driving is very frustrating, the driving controls are unrefined. You bump into everyone and everything, and the pedestrians are stupid and wont even get out of your way.

The graphics are nothing special, things up close look really nice, but far away buildings and pedestrians have no detail at all. Areas where Nazi presence is high are black and white while areas you liberated are color saturated. The black and white Areas look like they were taken out straight from Sin City and it's one of the things i liked. Other good things about this game is that there are boobs. And a lot of them.

So i know this game looks nice and all but don't make the same mistake as me by buying it. The reviewers are right this game is very average. There are a lot of PC games out there that deserve your attention more so avoid this.