An action-strategy game that blends the right amount of both worlds and shows that its a winning formula.

User Rating: 8.7 | The Outfit X360
The Outfit is an action strategy game in the vein of Mercenaries. It has a system where you can order various armament at the press of a button, call in vehicles etc. However, where it differs from Mercenaries is that this time you are not in a "Playground of Destruction", and you are not alone. In The Outfit, you need to think before you act, because unlike Mercenaries, if you get in a jam, you aren't able to just run up and hijack the nearest vehicle from the enemy just like that, these guys are a little more relentless than that. In most shooters you can just blindly charge in and take out all the guys in a single blow, but here, especially in the higher difficulty settings, you have to make sure you have a battle plan. All that said, this is also an easily accessible game, and if the strategy sounds like it will be hard to pick up on, its not. After a half hour or so, you'll begin to think almost instinctively about where you should place emplacements in case of an enemy attack. Before you know it, you'll be a regular Eisenhower, quickly placing machine guns, anti-take cannons, anti-air guns, calling in artillery and driving various vehicles, from jeeps to the fire spouting tanks. The presentation here is pretty good, their is solid voice work, a pretty run-of-the-mill story that works well with this game. The sound effects and music are all done very well. The gun shots sound good and the music always seems to fit the battle you are in. The graphics are pretty, but not mind blowing. The multi player, which is probably the highpoint of the game is addictive, and the game sports some great co-op. All in all, this is a great game, and you should definitely pick it up if you like army games.