
User Rating: 6.5 | The Oregon Trail DS
I have not played any of the Oregon Trail games on the pc but i heard some positive reviews about it and since the description of the dsi version said its as much fun as the original games i thought i'd give this one a try first. After playing for the first 20 minutes i thought that it was kinda fun crossing streams, collecting food , and picking up hitchhikers on the road, but after a while i began to grow tired of the hunting stages which are as much fun as tapping a stick against a hard surface for 3 minutes. You begin to realize that the mini games are too easy making the game almost boring to play. Also, the description of the game stated that this is a "side-scroller adventure game," the only side-scrolling element found in this game is walking in the same direction through the entire game with just one tap of the stylus pen. Even though this game can be boring and repetitive, some may actually enjoy it when others like me think its just a waist of $8.