Lots of spit-and-polish, decent characters and story, a solid outing.

User Rating: 8 | The Next Big Thing PC
Next Big Thing is a traditional point-and-click adventure, but one of the few recent ones with so much attention to the finish -- great graphics, animation, music, and voice work. The puzzles are good, ranging from the basic (key in lock) to the obtuse (smash up a car with a bat?) and everything in between.

Overall, if you like point-and-click adventures, Next Big Thing is well worth a playthrough.

The good:
* Great graphics and animation -- combo of cell drawn with a few colorful 3D bits.
* Lots of silly characters
* Tons of voice over work, all of it generally well done
* Good puzzle variety without too many super easy puzzles and not too many were obtuse.

The not-so-good:
* Humor was a little flat... but humor is different from person to person...
* Short -- I was done in less than 6 hours with only a couple of hints along the way.