An interesting continuation to the Matrix Trilogy.

User Rating: 7.4 | The Matrix Online PC
Because of most reviews, it took a significant amount of time for me to buy this game. One of the main reasons why I have it is because it is a continuation to the Matrix Trilogy and is supposed to answer all my questions about the Matrix. The graphics in the game are so-so. Of course, I have a so-so video card and a better one would most likely improve the appearance. Gameplay, if you like constantly killing and killing for more points, this may be a game for you. It gets a little repetitive after trying to get another million points for the next level. The sound gets you into the matrixy atmosphere. Many songs from the movies are played and and a few new ones. If you want answers to all your Matrix questions, don't mind the so-so graphics, want to find out what happens in the end, and don't mind killing and doing missions for endless hours, then this game may be for you. Otherwise, there are many other great games to play.