Extremely colorful!

User Rating: 5.6 | The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring PC
This game I bought just because of the name. I love the movies and this one is nothing like them. I think it is based more on the books as well as some elements from The Hobbit book.

The game is extremely colorful. It's like playing a Lord of the Rings version of Warcraft 3. The units are okay. I've seen better. There aren't really that many different available units and the upgrades feel like they are never ending.

The landscapes are also big and bulky like the Warcraft series. The game is good and it is a good game to keep you occupied while waiting for Battle for Middle Earth.

It's an Okay game. More aimed at novice players with no realy challenge in it. Fun game to play, but Battle for Middle earth makes you forget it even existed.