User Rating: 8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers GBA
ok here we go another lord of the rings game booring WRONG!!!! this is one of the best gba games have a nice gameplay everyone of the characters has his own unique skills and weapon sets the graphics are very high for the gba you can see details like gandalf clothes move and spark when weapon attacks and sone fire effect like the bal-rog fight scene the gameplay really work it to all that gba can give just take me like 8 min learn all the command and i was ready to kick some goblins ass this game reminds diablo for classic gamers and has the diablo gameplay and style the inventory the skill tree and just keep getting better and better if you keep playing you will find more stuff like the item stores hiden places with item and by the way the cinematic in games(clip for the movie) dont make the game sucks but give to the main plot that look that make a lord of the ring game and one last thing one you have over the game you can star all over again with you inventor and your level that you finish the game and you can pass it again and raise the difficulty you finish the game like level 16 or 18(depending of difficult) and just play again and keep leveling is such a great game and the difficult is just really remind me the legacy of goku games for the play mode but this is just another addition for the gba games collection with his own style.