1 thing, 8.4!?!

User Rating: 1 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers PS2
This game was just plain boring! It was more like an over done extra fetters video! For Peat's sake i beat it in like a few days. It is nothing but in game videos to. And because I'm best with list I'll give you a list: Bad:
1. There is no free will to do what you want.
2. Feels like a bad movie preview that you thing is going to get better, but doesn't.
3. To many in game clips.
4. To flashy.
5. boring battles that are so off from the book or the movies (all of which i have seen).
6. No two player.
7. Bad/strange fighting.
8. You have to BUY skills???????
9. Boring bosses.
1.Nice graphics.

This game was the BIGGEST letdown in my life of gaming. All thou it wasn't my kind of game any way so that might be why.
(I'm for opinions to try and change my mind)