Although I was really hyped about this game, I still somehow feel jaded...

User Rating: 8.8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II PC
I had been waiting for this game to come out before christmas 2005 and the hype building it up was phenomenal, i finally got the game at the start of march 2006. Since i have done the campaigns, which were suprisingly short and war of the ring mode i believe is pointless in single player. I liked the overall feel to the game, similar to C&C gameplay.
Initially i have been very upset about the online feature as it still has proven difficult to have a decent game, not only through EA's failure to fix connection problems but also the fact that the game is still basically in its infant state so to speak. there are plenty of issues surrounding the game which have been mentioned in my LOTR Gamers Union, with regards to units, powers etc. the general consensus is that the elves are overpowered and the freedom of play is not as people expected to be.
Some game features have renderred certain game options pointless eg. the witchking and other heroes which become usless in online play because most game are over within 10 minutes due to the ease of rushing, which is just not fun at all.
I feel like EA have rushed this game onto the shelves before they were sure it was going to be a instant success. I love lord of the rings and the game but still feel jaded to a certain degree......