Best MMO available at this time.

User Rating: 9.9 | The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar PC
You can't beat this game if you want a good MMO... Especially if you want a good toss back to the old days. It's pulled off what Vanguard attempted, but with proper planning it's managed to actually work. It's graphic style, while often compared to WoW is actually quite different as it goes for a more realistic approach, but at the same time it does so without compromising it's performance. It takes advantage of all the new hardware as well.

As far as gameplay goes, not a whole lot new here. But it's taken the best from eq and eq2, and it'd done well in doing so. Quests.. You simply won't find better quests in any other mmorpg. While I'm not typically a fan of instances, LotRO has managed to pull em' off quite well by making instances very dynamic. There are load screens, but you'll never seen one for more than 2 seconds.