the only thing that keeps this game floating for me is the co-op, that was actually suprisingly fun.

User Rating: 6 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest X360
okay im just writing a short one for this game. to begin, i have always been a huge lord of the rings fan (and i loved star wars battlefront) so i rushed to buy this game and when i started i was just disappointed in how unambitious it really was. then after a few hours i was seriously going to sell it. my friend came to visit and we started playing and that actually turned out to be alot of fun.

1. weak level design.
2. voice acting is really bad.
3. dumb AI.
4. boring repetitive campaign's
5. uneven difficulty.
6. a bit to complicated.

1. surprisingly fun co-op multyplayer.
2. the Balrog is awesome.

so in all fairness, if you find this game very very cheap and you have a buddy that is willing to play with you for a few hours, i guess you should go for it. but dont expect a great game.