Its good at first but you get bored of the constant Hack & Slash

User Rating: 7 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest X360
Its got 2 short campaigns both are good, but i couldn't say this is the best game ever, it has easy controls and all you do throughout the game is slash and hack and a few stealthy attacks there and then but if you love the films of LOTR then you will be addicted to this game, i must say myself, i do go on LOTR conquest for abit and get addicted for a couple of weeks but then you get bored and leave it, but you always seem to come back to it no matter how long it takes. It is really fun to play as the Trolls, ents and olliphants also the heroes but the things the game needs improving on is its Graphics & Difficulty

The graphics are not the best for an xbox 360 but because your having so much fun you don't notice it much, but i think they could of done much better on the graphics.

It is way to easy, no challenge at all, easy buttons, easy missions, it is just a basic Hack and Slash game.

The Good:
It is very addicting, fun, short, easy.

The Bad:
Gets Boring very easily, to short, to easy, need to be more challenging.

It is worth buying but to make sure you want it, i would rent it first.

Overall i think its Very Good but it is easy to become tiresome of it.