A surprisingly great addition to the Zelda series!

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap GBA
I stumbled across Minish Cap a little while ago, and being a huge fan of the Zelda series, I decided to pick it up. As soon as I started playing, I was impressed. An original story (as far as Zelda games go, anyway) and cute graphics immediately sucked me in, and the gameplay was at the usual Zelda level of excellence. They hit the perfect balance between puzzle solving and combat, and the ability to change size added a whole new dimension to the game. There were a lot of new additions to this title to play with, including kinstone fusions, a few new items and the four sword, but mostly it retained all the classics we all know and love.
It missed the explorative side that other Zelda games have had, with every objective generally being very clearly marked out, and your talking hat all but holding your hand, but for the most part it was very well put together, and a delight to play. Money well spent, and a terrific addition to the Zelda universe.