A fantastic game, one of the best games ever! If not the greatest! But is it perfect? No

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
Ok, I should explain what is so amazing in this game, right? Well if anyone even asks that question it's because they never even played 5 minutes of it. The game is spectacular, I still play it! The graphics were just stupendous for its time and, even nowadays you may find yourself amazingly well adjusted to it's 1998 3D graphs in no time. As for game play, certain overrated modern day video games can only WISH they would have such a smooth and entertaining way to be played, automatic jumping without any flaws (If not for Ocarina of Time, I'd say that is impossible), Lock on and attack battle system, 2 different fighting controls that work perfectly, logical and not to hard or easy to solve puzzles and traps, tremendous amount of items and tools/weapons and great bosses and enemies. As for sound, probably the best soundtrack ever heard on the N64 (if not on any console, including modern day consoles!) and some nice and clear sound effects!
In the end this is quite possibly the only game ever to knock Super Mario 64 out of the throne of "Greatest N64 Game". Not only is this game the best of it's time, it is also a fantastic and innovative experience for today's gamers, so you can be sure that this is not, in any way, a "Retro Gamer" only title, this game is just amazing.
So, why not a perfect score? Although this title shows itself as an Instant Classic, a Masterpiece and in many ways "Flawless", the perfect 10, in my opinion, is not something to just give randomly to games I love, the perfect game is yet to come, but "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" is definitely one of the closest (if not the closest one).