The all time best Zelda game is now even better.

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 3DS
I've played nearly every Zelda game, all except Skyward Sword and a few other portable ones. Ocarina of Time has always been my favorite. They ported the 64 version to the 3DS with very minimal changes (except for the obvious, huge change). The now dated 64 graphics look old, and if someone didn't know it was a port, it's likely they won't like the graphics.

Coming from a system with 6 face buttons, the control scheme modifications were pretty good. It's obvious what does what, and they find an easy way to add soft buttons to make up for the lack of hard buttons. They even add a bonus item button which slightly reduces time spent switching your items around.

If you've never played ocarina, the story is good. There are a few places in the dialogue that probably weren't translated well, but I find that sort of thing easy to look over.

The addition of master quest was really my favorite part of the game. I've played ocarina several times, but never the master quest. The entire game, including master quest, did take a sufficient amount of time. The difficulty of the original game (remembering my first play through on 64) is fairly challenging. Master quest is a beast, but i didn't find it too challenging to enjoy.

The reason I am giving this a 9 instead of a 10 is navi's incessant nagging for me to stop playing the game in order to rest my eyes. Apparently eyes that were meant to see a 3D world will stop working if you look at something that's 3D? What kind of sorcery keeps my eyes working then?

Please note: I am not responsible if you go blind, your eyes bleed, you lose money, your hair falls out, or anything for that matter. Read the warnings. I'm not a doctor or optometrist, just a regular dude.

In the end, this game left me wanting more, but in a good way. It certainly wasn't lacking anything. This game may have spoiled me, there's likely nothing that will ever come out on the 3DS that I think is better, or that I will put as much time in to (note to self, have to try snake eater). Definitely worth buying.