Majoras Mask is the game after OoT. It is deeper than Oot, but it probably wasn't for the best...

User Rating: 8.4 | Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen (w/Memory Pack) N64
Nintendo is coming off two years in which the greatest game of all time featured. The Majoras Mask is deeper than Ocarina of time, but probably wasn't for the best. In this game, you use these 3 transformation masks to transform and complete puzzles of the game. You must change back in time over and over so you can beat it in 3 days. 3 days? is it possible? By using the ocarina it is... but sometimes it could be frustrating, especially when you lose all your special items as you change back in time. You can always deposit the rupees you have, but its also frustrating. Theres no doubt about the graphix. Thanx to the Expansion pack, this game probably has one of the best game graphix for the N64. What you may think is that the game is too short, because thats how I felt. One cool new item some of us prolly never seen before is the fierce diety, which you can earn by turning in all 23 masks, which also could be a frustrating task. Overall, the LoZ Majoras Mask is a great game, worth owning. But it isnt a huge steps some fans might've wanted after playing Ocarina of Time. Have fun!