User Rating: 1 | The Incredible Hulk PS2
The Incredible Hulk for the Playstation 2 is one of the worst games I have ever played. I played it for about half an hour before I gave up....out of pure frustration. This game is 100% PAIN to play for any Hulk fan or any gamer. Here's why:

First, the ''arcade like'' graphics look terrible. They look like leftover graphics that nobody wanted. Everything from the Hulk, to the buildings, cars, characters, etc look like they were fished out of some crappy Sega arcade machine from about 14 years ago. The graphics are way too bright, blocky and just plain awful. ''Spider-Man 2'' for the PS2 has way better graphics (characters, backgrounds etc) and that game came out almost 5 years ago!!! The graphics on the Incredible Hulk look way too dated for 2008.

The fighting is 100% awful. Enemies bounce back like a pinball when you hit them. So very lame.... All of the enemies and objects in the game seem to have no weight or mass... Hello? Hulk want some gravity in Hulk's game!!! Throwing an 150 pound man and throwing a 10 ton truck feels exactly the same. The action is really boring for an ''open sandbox'' type game and other games do it a million times better than this one.

The A.I. in the game is completely stupid, and the few missions I was able to try are just plain boring and meaningless. One thing that really bothered me, was every object in the game that the Hulk comes in contact with seems to get destroyed with no problem. The Hulk can be standing next to something and not even touch it, and it will end up destroyed! I mean I know it's the Hulk, but come on! While playing this mess of a game, I kept on thinking, how this game doesn't even come close to ''Hulk: Ultimate Destruction'' and I remembered how much fun I had smashing everything in that game... Thanks Sega, for making destruction boring!

The cut scenes and voice acting in this game are very dull and lack of any sort of energy. HULK SLEEP! You can tell Edward Norton did not want to be there when they were recording the voice acting for this game, and you can hear it in the cut scenes. Stay home dude, if you're not even willing to try, ok?

Now here's my biggest problem about the Incredible Hulk game (and why you must avoid it) It is filled with tons of freakin' bugs!!!! It freezes during game play, it even freezes when I was just trying to start the damn game from the main menu! I had to quit and restart this game 10 times just to try to play it!

Sega & Edge of Reality should of not released this game out in the marketplace! It is unplayable and unfinished! Keep on making shi**y software like this Sega, and you be out of the software business in no time. I'll never buy another Sega game after this $&*#!*% piece of crap...
I even returned the game thinking maybe this copy was defective... the second copy the store gave me had the exact same bugs and freezing issues. Thank God, they didn't force me to try a 3rd copy.

Overall, this game is a complete waste of time... I would give this game a Negative 10 score if Game Spot would allow me to.... Hulk not happy, and Hulk deserve better game!