They should call this Ultimate Destruction's expansion pack, since it is about just that, but without the next-gen bugs.

User Rating: 6.5 | The Incredible Hulk PS2
The bugs that effect the 360 and PS3 version have gone away in the PS2 version. The draw distance that reviewers complain about is the same in the PS2 version, but you expect it with last-gen power.

I have never had any framerate or clipping problems, but the game did crash on me once. I was trying to view the map during a mission after extended play. I am guessing it was becasue of the playtime, but who really knows.

If you have played Ultimate Destruction, than you know what to do here. The only major difference I ahve noticed is that all buildings are destructable. Besides location and the subway system, nothing really major.

I recommend sticking to Ultimate Destruction, unless you decide you want to bring down the U.N. building. If you don't have or never played Ultimate Destruction, this one is a good alternative since it is readily availiable.