Read at own Risk

User Rating: 8.6 | The Guy Game XBOX
When I read the reviews of this game I saw alot of people trashing this game well I'm not one of those people I like the game and I'm not afraid to say it. If you don't like what I said stop reading this review. When the guy game came out I think it was one of the most unique games. The creators of this game had the courage to make a game racy enough to be like this. And what happens? The goverment puts a ban on the sale of this game. Why? because some "Woman" who was said to only be "17" said she flashed the camara when the game was being made. I personally think this is a BS tatic to blackball a good game. Granted this game had breast flashes so what! During marty gras you see that stuff all the time but is that celebration banned? It just gets bad when a good game goes though all the correct channels to be made and it still gets blocked. I hope that this isn't the fall of fine adult games. The graphics, control, and sound was the best the only problem I had with the game was that there could have been alot more questions. Other than that it's good all around. This is a very good party game with up to 4 people, I'll lappen to let people know I have a girlfriend and she also loves this game does that make her a bad person? No it doesn't. If you trash a person because they like the game than you are lower than that person. If they like this game who are you to say otherwise? I also have a problem with something it seems that this game gets all kind of hell thrown at it but when they make crap games like Conker's Bad fur day and Conker: Live and Reloaded they don't do jack about it. If any game should be blocked from being sold it should be the Conker series. And as I always say: "Everyone is entilted to MY opinion and I could care less about anyone elses." Long Live The Guy Game.